Make OpenSSL CA, SSL Server and Client Certs
Even at this late date there is still confusion on how to get OpenSSL to generate a CA and SSL certificates. So, here is a script that I hope will answer some questions. ...there will undoubtedly be more.
I also have an ECC version I will upload in a few days. It was written some time ago and needs to be reviewed.
Update 3/6: Here is an ECC script. It points out a couple of likely bugs with OpenSSL. First, an OpenSSL ECC CA always signs its certs with SHA1 regardless of curve, what you specify in the command, or what you define as the default_md in openssl.cnf. This is not the case if the CA uses an RSA key. Second, if you use
openssl ecparam -genkey
to create a key pair, you cannot secure the PEM file output. You have to follow with a second command openssl ec
to encrypt the private key with AES. ...but you have already written the key to disk. Oops!Update 3/10: OpenSSL 0.9.9 indeed has a fix for the SHA1-only self-signed certs. The catch is 0.9.9 is still in development (the making of .dylib files fails and make test fails on one of the new TSA tests), but prognosis is good.
Update 3/20: The OpenSSL 0.9.9-dev daily snapshot is meeting my needs very nicely now. openssl (the executable) can now sign certs using ECC and the SHA2 family. I can create the OSX .dylib files if I disable the x86 asm accelerations using the -no-asm switch, and Python with M2Crypto has so far not shown any problems. The linker problem necessitating no x86 asm acceleration is my only outstanding issue. Sweet!
Update: Using config's -shared switch seems to also cure the asm problems.
Labels: crypto